Your role as editor is important, for you can look at a piece of writing objectively. 你的编辑角色很重要,因为你能够客观地审视作品。
It was such a brilliant piece of writing. 这真是一篇才华横溢的文章。
Please polish this piece of writing. 请你把这篇稿子修饰一下。
A piece of writing should be coherent. 作品的前后文须呼应。
This piece of writing is rather unreadable. 这篇文字很难识读。
Can you remember the first piece of writing that transported you to another world? 你能记得第一篇让你身处另外一个世界的文章吗?
Every piece of writing should have the thesis, the value proposition, be entirely clear from the outset. 每一篇文章都应该有一个主题,有一个从一开始就明确阐述的价值主张。
You may visit the Writing Center at any point in the writing process: prewriting, drafting or revising a piece of writing. 你们可以在写作过程的任何时间点上造访写作中心:写作前、写草稿时或修改一件作品时。
This was the decade of the whirlwind recommendation, when a song or an image, a film clip or a piece of writing could be shared instantly and praised or attacked by anyone-right here, right now. 这是一个猖獗举荐的十年。一首歌、一张图、一段影戏剪辑或是一段笔墨都可以被马上分享、被惊叹或进攻,大家都可以做到、就在此时、而今。
That piece of writing was full of spelling mistakes. 那篇文字满是拼写错误。
A quotation at the beginning of some piece of writing. 引用选自某些作品的开头。
This piece of writing is too confused to be intelligible. 这篇文章写得太乱,不知所云。
Another way to make a piece of writing come to life is to describe things through the senses. 另一个让作品生动的方法是通过感觉来描述。
This student seems to have spent too much effort on this piece of writing. 这个学生似乎在这篇文章上花的工夫太大了。
A splendid idea, achievement, piece of writing. 极好的主意、成就、文章。
The first line of a piece of writing ( as a newspaper story). 一篇写作(如一则新闻故事)中的第一行。
A poet is one who can transform ordinary words into a meaningful and effective piece of writing. 诗人可以把平淡无奇的语言变成富有意义和感染力的作品。
The first line of a piece of writing. 一篇写作中的第一行。
If the wedding comparative forms of leisure, such as buffet, you can place a piece of writing in the front of the restaurant menu chalkboard. 如果婚宴形式比较休闲,比如自助餐,你可以在餐厅门口放置一块写有菜单的黑板。
Summary writing is a test of your ability to find the important points in a piece of writing and to put them together. “摘要写作”用于检测你发现一篇文章的要点和把这些要点组织起来的能力。
And this piece of writing by one of the students in the Foreign Languages Department just shows two, among so many, of the devoted learnt teachers. 本文是外语系一年级的学生所写,她所仰慕的两位老师仅仅是我院众多爱岗敬业、知识渊博的优秀教师群体中的一分子。
Translating an obscure piece of writing is even more painstaking than writing it directly. 翻译一篇晦涩的作品要比直接写一篇更费苦心。
This book is a magnificent piece of writing. 是什么让一个很好的一篇?
Doesn't he know that this piece of writing is all about him? 他知不知道这篇文章是写他的?
One of our assignments was to do a descriptive piece of writing. 我们的作业之一是写一篇记叙文。
Once a piece of writing bears the character of "grand cultural narrative", it is likely to be a" classic ". This grand is designed specially for advocates of classicism. 但凡具备大文化叙事品格的作品,就可能成为经典。三角钢琴产品当中的这一款是专为崇尚经典风格的顾客所设计。
It's a pretty emotional piece of writing. 那篇文章很煽动情绪。
It's hard to see any scheme in this piece of writing; it's very confused. 很难看出这篇文章的结构,它非常混乱。
You can use italics, bold type, capitals or underlining to emphasize a word in a piece of writing. 你可以用斜体、粗体、大写或下划线来强调一段文字中的一个字词。